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How to Make Reishi Coffee

How to Make Reishi Coffee

Reishi coffee is a type of coffee that is infused with Reishi mushroom extract. It is marketed as a way to enhance the benefits of coffee with the potential health benefits of Reishi mushrooms.

The idea behind Reishi coffee is that the combination of caffeine from coffee and the beneficial compounds from Reishi mushrooms can provide an extra boost of energy, improve mood and mental clarity, and promote overall wellness.

There are different types of Reishi coffee available, some of which are made by mixing Reishi extract with ground coffee beans, while others are pre-packaged coffee blends that contain Reishi extract. The specific ingredients and preparation methods can vary depending on the brand and type of Reishi coffee.

How to Make Reishi Coffee
How to Make Reishi Coffee

Here is a basic recipe for making reishi mushroom coffee at home:


1 cup of freshly brewed coffee
1 teaspoon of reishi mushroom powder or 1 dropper of reishi mushroom extract


Brew a cup of coffee as you normally would.
In a separate cup, mix the reishi mushroom powder or extract with a small amount of warm water to dissolve.
Pour the dissolved reishi mushroom mixture into the brewed coffee and stir well.
Enjoy your reishi mushroom coffee hot or cold, as desired.

Note: The potency of reishi mushroom extract can vary greatly between brands, so be sure to follow the recommended dosage on the product label. Start with a small amount of reishi mushroom and gradually increase to find the right dosage for you.

Reishi mushroom coffee is a type of coffee that is infused with Reishi mushroom extract. It is a way to combine the benefits of coffee and Reishi mushrooms, with the aim of providing an extra boost of energy, improving mood and mental clarity, and promoting overall wellness.